Benefits Of TyreSeal
Puncture Prevention
Keeping your wheels in motion
Tyre Seal has one main objective and that is to ensure all vehicles across Ireland are travelling safely & puncture free, putting customers minds at ease knowing they won’t be stranded on the side of the road with a flat tyre!
Get ProtectedImprove Fuel Consumption
Travel further for less
Tyre seal is a quick and highly effective way to keep yourself, your vehicle, and your family safe whilst out travelling on our roads. It decreases your downtime and has also been proven to improve fuel consumption as your tyres remain better balanced.
Go Further
Extend Lifespan of Tyres
Tyres live longer with TyreSeal
Our product guarantees the safety of your tyre and extends the life of your tyre by up to 25%. By automatically sealing punctures in your tyre that would otherwise speed up tyre deterioration you can travel further for longer with TyreSeal.
Social Proof
Peace of mind as standard
No worries about punctures
With more and more newer cars coming without a spare tyre the worry of getting a puncture is an issue for more and more drivers... but not with TyreSeal. Get your tyres sealed and start driving with peace of mind as standard.
What our customers think
Makes Financial Sense
Saving you on repairs, tyres and fuel
With all the benefits of tyreseal you are guaranteed to save money. Whether it is saving on the need to replace or repair tyres due to punctures, saving on fuel efficiency or having longer lasting tyres you are always going to save.
Start Saving